Trade Name : VINTAGE

Technical Name : Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP

Mode of Action : Broad spectrum, systemic and contact fungicide with protective and curative action.

Crop Common name of the disease Dosage /ha
Grapes Downy mildew 2500 g or 0.5%
Tobacco Nursery Damping off 5000 g or 0.1%
Leaf blight/Black Shank  (Soil drench at sowing and spray at 30 days after sowing 2000 g or 0.2%
Potato Late blight 2500 gm or 0.25%
Mustard White rust and Alternaria blight 2500 gm or 0.50%
Black Pepper Phytophthora foot rot 2.5 gm/vine or 0.125%
Pearl millet Downy mildew 2000 gm or 0.40%
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