Trade Name : DIZOLE

Technical Name : Difenoconazole 25% EC

Mode of Action : Systemic fungicide with preventive and curative action.

Crop Common name of the disease Dosage /ha
Apple Scab 0.015% or 15 ml/100 lt. water
Rice Sheath blight 0.05% or 50 ml/100 lt. water
Chilli Die-back Fruit rot 0.05% or 50 ml/100 lt. water
Cumin Blight 0.05% or 50 ml/100 lt. water
(Alternaria burnsii)
Powdery mildew
(Erysiphae polygonii)
  Onion Purple blotch (Alternaria porri) 0.1% or 100 ml/100 lit. water.
Pomegranate Fruit rot 0.1% or 100 ml/100 lit. water.
Grape Anthracnose Powdery mildew 0.03% or 30ml/100lit of water
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